
Great Managers Have These Skills

Being a great manager is no easy task. Here at Check Issuing, we have great managers who know and understand the accounts payable vertical better than anyone around. They also have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to managing teams of employees. I decided that it might be helpful to reach out to them and inquire about some of their best practices and post them anonymously to our blog as examples of great managers of accounts payable departments.

Keep it simple.

Whether it is explaining a new task, deciding on lunch, or solving a problem, simplicity is always the best way. You don’t want to convolute issues. You instead should simplify them so that they can be solved. This is what great managers do differently.
New tasks can be difficult for employees. Complicating them with more explanation than is needed can further sour the experience. It’s important that you keep your central message straightforward and clear. This will help people better understand what their mission is.

Learn the art of delegation.

To delegate is to empower. Not to delegate is to take on too much and bare the brunt of unnecessary creative labors. This shows the importance of leading by example. Being able to decipher who to delegate specific tasks to is the trait of a superhero manager. This is one of the core competencies of management in general. Some managers do nothing. Some managers do everything. Both are wrong. Doing nothing shows that laziness is rewarded while doing everything shows you don’t trust anyone and decreases the general productivity of the department. Being able to delegate work off and have others underneath your chain of command follow up on tasks is the best possible scenario.

Create a map of responsibility.

You need structure. They need structure. But what is that “structure,” anyway? Well if it isn’t clearly defined, don’t depend on anyone to understand what it is. The chain of command, people’s responsibilities and what projects they work on should be clearly defined and company knowledge. You want people to understand really how the system works so that they aren’t floating into areas that are not beneficial to your company.
Managing is hard. It’s in fact, super hard. But you can also make yourself a super manager.

Our Check Writing Service Is Everything Your Business Wants

First and foremost, happy freaking Friday, folks. The weekend is upon you and your family. Hopefully, you have some amazing plans. Like scaling a skyscraper or playing Pokemon. You know, something wild and crazy!
Your business is important to you. You’ve bled for your business. You’ve lost sleep for your business. You’ve slowly rolled a few stop signs to make it to important meetings on time for your business. So wouldn’t you want to team up with other businesses that love your business just as much as you do? That’s what we offer at the very core of our operation.
I am going to be honest, at Check Issuing, we believe in traffic laws, so we aren’t likely to California roll through any stop signs, but we will love your business almost as much as you love your business. That’s because when it comes to client services, we treat all of our clients like family. We aren’t a turn and burn business, instead, our business model is predicated on return business. We want you to like to services we provide, as well as like us. We want your business over and over again. Unlike the competition, we keep trying to earn your business. We are a check writing service that never takes anything for granted.

What does a check writing service offer?

The best check security in the business. Check Fraud is a huge business. Many people seem to think that check fraud is an archaic criminal endeavor, but the fact is, it has never been more profitable. And small businesses are the most lucrative targets. Often times, small businesses don’t pay attention to their check security. Our checks are verified by the bank. Our envelopes are more secure than a NASA powerpoint presentation. Our checks are safe, your business is safer, your sleep is deep and relaxing.
We offer your business the ability to brand your checks. Seems simple, right? Well, many businesses never think to put their own logo on their checks. Having your corporate logo on your business checks gives your business a more professional look. When a client or customer cashes your check, wouldn’t you prefer that the check looks as professional as possible? Of course, you would. That’s why using Check Issuing just makes sense.
We offer reliability and friendly customer service. You call us and we answer. We are nice and friendly. We are also incredibly good looking and charming (sorry, I had to). We believe that top-notch customer service is the key to success. Your feedback means everything to our product and service’s evolution. We consider our clients a part of our extended family. We will even send you a Holiday card (or not if you hate mail, we can just do like an e-card or something).
But hey, enough about our deliriously awesome customer service, how about you give us a call and we can get to know your business and see how a check writing service can fit in. And after that, why not start planning your amazing weekend?

To Outsource Payroll Or Not To Outsource Payroll?

 We are living in a time where there are an abundance of information, products, and services available to us on the internet. One of those services is the ability to outsource several services, such as the payroll services of your small business.
Outsourcing your small business’s payroll service will consist of you hiring someone on the outside to take control of your business’s payroll and financial services. Outsourcing your small business’s payroll services can save your company a significant amount of money, time, and frustration.
When many people think about payroll, they only think about writing the checks for all of the employees and trying to figure out how much taxes should be taken out.
A list of the standard payroll responsibilities include:

  • withholding taxes
  • paying taxes to various government agencies
  • giving your employees their W-2 forms and 1099 forms
  • alerting the government when one of your employees is no longer employed by your company
  • managing all the contributions from your employees towards their health plans

As you already know, handling these processes and more can be extremely tedious and frustrating. You always want to make great decisions for your business, and one of the best decisions you can make is to seriously think about the best option for your payroll services and functions. We are now stepping up our game and plan on being one of the top competitors in this space for 3rd party payroll.
You should approach this decision the same way you would do any other big decision. You should evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages it could possibly bring to your business. You can set rules and policies that the payroll company will have to follow in order to achieve the best results for your business.
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You can learn more about payroll and other payment services by following our other great posts. Or, if you want to learn how the team at Checkissuing can help your small business outsource payroll or other payment needs, just contact us

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