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Hiring Tips: Find And Hire The Best Of The Best!

Are you getting the results that you need with new hires and new employees? Sometimes after combing through resumes, job boards, and job fairs you still feel as though the people are just not the right employees for your position in your payroll companies. Are you getting the needed hiring results? If not, check out these hiring tips for employers.
If you are reading this article, then you might not be! Time to look elsewhere for hiring tips, my friends! Each and every job position is meaningful and there is no need to settle and hire a person who is not right for the job. There are new ways to explore all the talent that’s out there. Let’s learn how to hire the right employee for your business and be a good boss.

Hiring Tips: Nontraditional Ways To Find Future Employees

Hire From Social Media

A little secret, don’t just look at LinkedIn. You are missing out on a huge pool of talent. Check out Facebook and Twitter. These days an incredible variety of talent are on social media. You might not believe it, but try posting current job openings on Facebook and Twitter. This is also a good way to judge the job seeker and their intentions. If you notice their involvement in posts and comments, you should consider getting in touch with them. They could be the star employee you have searched for. If you want to get a better idea of who they are, follow them on their social media platforms. The posts they make will for sure help you to see a bit of who they are.

 Website Recruiting for Employees

It might seem hard to believe, but some of the perfect candidates are coming right to you. They are interested in your company and doing further research on your website. This will make it easier to engage them if they are a fine candidate. An important note: be sure your website is up to date and actually reflects your company and its work environment. In addition to current job openings, including employee and client testimonials, branding and maybe even a fun perks section. After all, the workplace is often our second home, so it’s nice to see happiness and hope. Provide the job recruiter’s email and/or contact form on your website so the relationship building can begin. This provides both the recruiter and the potential candidate a way to meet and greet and to allow you a little insight to see if it could possibly be a great fit on both ends.

Your Customers could become Great Employees

It might seem strange to do so but bear with me. Your customers buy your product, correct? They promote your products, right? Well, this could mean that they would bring a lot to the table within your company. It would definitely be in your best interest to consider customers as future job candidates. Your customers already support you by being your customer and believing in your company. There is nothing better than a well versed, knowledgeable and educated job candidate who already knows the ins and outs of the brand. There are many ways to let your customers know about your current job openings. If you aren’t doing so already, send out newsletters and emails. This not only gets their attention but also gives them a chance to refer someone else to you as well. Referrals are often times some of the best candidates because they come recommended right off the bat. Here’s another chance to use your social media too (as discussed above).
Keep in mind that you will find different types of candidates in each of these options, but they are all tremendous ways to explore the talent that is available out there. You want candidates who are ready and willing to work with good communication skills. Keep using the traditional hiring sources, but try adding these options into the mix. You might just find the perfect candidates and without all the stress!

Sometimes People Overthink the Hiring Process

Everyone in business understands how important it is to hire the right team.  Whether you are in the software design or waste management industry, key personnel can make the difference between success and failure.  How do you make the right choice?  Most people use the interview process, but of course, there are other ways such as assigning candidates projects, testing at third-party employment verifiers, references, etc.  The hiring process is a balance of how much effort you and the potential candidate will put in for the process.

Why “Perfect Hiring” Systems Fail

Many times, hiring managers believe that they can create the perfect system to get good employees.  They have a thorough application, follow up testing, and a three-tiered interview system.  When they put out the ad, they received ten candidates, and no one finished the test.  Here is a quote from, the leader in Human Resource verification “Make the application process easy and tailored to passive job seekers.”

Lack Of Communication

The last hurdle in targeting passive job seekers is to convince them to apply for the job. To do so, consider making the application process easy to access and to complete. According to SHRM’s Recruiting Checklist for Quality Hires, the best performers are often passive job seekers who lack either the interest or the time in going through a cumbersome application process. Online applications that require excessive click-throughs or not designed for mobile access may discourage passive job seekers from completing the application.
Finally, if you get to the interview stage, there are a few things not to do when dealing with passive job seekers.

3 Reasons Businesses are Overthinking the Hiring Process

•    Don’t question them as though they are active job seekers. Don’t ask “why should I hire you?” Questions may turn off passive job seekers.
•    Don’t expect that they have conducted extensive research about your organization—remember, you came to them, they didn’t come to you.
•    Don’t try to lure them with a similar job. Lure them with a job that offers additional responsibility or the opportunity to develop new skills and abilities. Out that third bullet.”
This is only one example, but understand the balance that needs to be played when hiring.  When you don’t have enough candidates or qualified candidates, you need to adjust your hiring process to remove the obstacles.  In this situation, the candidate is your customer, act accordingly.
Hopefully, you fund this info helpful, if you did, give it a share!
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