How Checkissuing Is Addressing COVID-19

How Checkissuing Is Addressing COVID-19

How Checkissuing Is Addressing COVID-19
As we are sure you are aware, COVID has been an increasingly growing concern and now that the World Health Organization has officially declared COVID a pandemic. We felt it was important to address how Checkissuing is handling this alarming issue.  
We realize that it is critical to make our clients, as well as the businesses that support or depend on them. We feel confident that we are doing everything within our control to ensure this does not disrupt any of the aspects of your business that we are responsible for. 
First of all, for our SOC 1 Type II audit, we were required to implement a robust Business Continuity Plan for each critical system. In the specific context of COVID concerns for our physical office, rather than our Administration Systems/API’s (which we obviously have multiple contingencies to keep running in case of failures), we will address and summarize with the below:
          1. We have multiple redundant staff members that are trained on the operational systems to ensure all payments/documents go out on time, in the (hopefully) unlikely case that one of them gets sick or quarantined. As well, our printing center is being manned with minimal operational personnel and our staff has been cross-trained should any need to stay at home.
          2. Our internal policies have been updated to adhere to the best practices and guidelines distributed by OSHA’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, and we have expressly developed an Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan.
          3. We have an SLA with a backup facility located five miles from our office that has all of the equipment needed to promptly restore all of the services we offer.  In the case improbable likelihood there are any infection issues at our office that would cause the need to be quarantined and/or properly sanitized. 
          4. We also have an SLA with a printing and mailing facility located in another city that has the ability to process and send our checks/documents, as well as an efficient and secure way to send them data, as a failsafe to #3.
Hopefully, some of the above should provide comfort to clients that their businesses should not be disrupted in any way using Checkissing and we will be more than happy to answer any questions on our overall business continuity plan, or any specific aspects requested.
Thank you for your trust in Checkissuing and out check writing services. We are prepared to navigate through these challenging circumstances with your business continuity at the forefront of everything we do.

Mark Greenspan
Checkissuing Founder and CEO

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