business cards

Is A Website More Important Than A Business Card? Or Vice Versa?

In today’s world we have to market ourselves and our business. It is an absolute must. So is it more effective to have business cards or a website? Some people choose to have both, while others can only have one or the other. There are some real positive attributes with websites and business cards, so let’s break them down.

Business Websites

You almost have to have a website at this point. Even the elderly are googling things. There is nothing worse than trying to look up a business and not really finding anything. It can often lead to frustration and then moving on to another company (most likely your competition). It is all about making life easy for your clients/customers. Something to also think about when designing navigation for your website. Do not make a difficult website to navigate. You can really build your brand with a user-friendly website. Heck, you can also limit some of the phone calls that come into your office because your website will offer contact information. It only helps to have customer service online as well. This comes in handy after hours and on weekends. There are so many perks to having a website, especially a great website. Check out our dental patient statements printing.

Business Cards

This oldie but goodie is still going strong. You never want to be caught in a room with someone you have been dying to network with and oops, no way to exchange information. This is where the trusty business card comes in handy. The downside to business cards is someone actually has to be in possession of it to get the information off of it. So you have to do an extraordinary job of getting your business cards into the hands of those who want and need them. Leaving them at places is an option. Handing them out at conventions is another option. Bringing them with you at all times, because you never know who you are going to run into, is also a very important option.
So, we see that both websites and business cards are important to have, but which one is more effective? A business website in today’s day in age is an absolute must and by far more effective. You reach more people via the internet and you are much more accessible…which is what consumers and clients want. However, it is always important to keep some business cards on hand. It looks more professional than having to write down information on the fly. It’s best to have both a website and cards…with the website being your go-to especially when mailing invoices for doctors offices.


Is Your Website and Business Mobile Ready?

The world has changed, folks. And no, I’m not talking about how when you turn on the television, every show is a washed up celebrity’s reality show. I am talking about how people access the web. Did you know that many stats say that more people access the web using a smartphone than they do using desktop and laptops combined? That’s insane when you think about how only a few years ago it was mostly desktop access.
What’s more? I can tell you wholeheartedly that it is well beyond half, more like 80% of the web is smartphone devices or tablets. I see the real time stats and most people are reading your website on a  mobile phone. Hey, how are you reading this article? Evidence enough?
The point is, you need to have a mobile-minded website for your business or else you will be out of the game. So what are your choices?
Well, you have a couple of ways of doing achieving this:

1) Two versions of the same site

This means you have a mobile version of your site and a desktop version of your site. The site is on the same domain, just using a different call or directory. Two examples would be: and or and
The downside is that you have to maintain two sites, so if you change something on the desktop, like your logo, you need to perform a separate change on the mobile version. The benefit, however, is that you can separate your mobile and desktop offers accordingly so that you are more specific and create higher conversions.

2) A responsive site

In this case, your site adapts to whatever device it is being viewed on. This means someone on an iPhone gets a modified version of the same site someone sees on a desktop. Essentially, the website “responds” to the device, typically altering navigational functions, image sizes, and eliminating needless components.
This is the simple way of doing things. The downside is, you don’t have two versions of the site so if you wanted to create mobile only offers, it might not work as well.
Check Issuing is a responsive site. We don’t have any need to offer mobile customers a different version of our patient statement printing and mailing services, so the simplicity makes sense.

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