
The Business Of Security – Passwords and Authentication

security for business
Check Your Business Security Practices

Peace of mind: that’s what comes to mind when we have control over our personal information and use good business security. When we are in control of your business security, the bad guys (and gals) aren’t into our checking account. Today’s world is a chaotic blend of hackers attempting to fleece us of who we are and break us financially, along with “best business security practices” most people rarely follow. Become your best internet security company for business yourself with these expert tips. 
Yes, I said, “most.”
It is absurd for me to say this, but most people I know in the business world are not great at securing their personal information and setting up business security systems.
Many people, as ingenious as they are at all things technology, are the worst when it comes to using good business security such as concealing usernames and passwords, or bank login information, or computer logins, from the bad gals (and guys!). The problem is, most people don’t think security breaches will actually happen. It is then too late to practice good business safety and security.
Two years ago, I was setting up computers for a business out in Philadelphia. I gave them the lowdown on securing their information for best business security. I could tell that my words sounded like an annoying wind blower blowing cold air right into their faces. The business security of their personal information has to have some value, right? Of course, for most, that’s most certainly true.
But for some reason, that’s a disconnect for most people to consider. People just don’t ever see themselves in the position of being hacked b lack of business security and finding out that someone’s booked a trip for seven to Disney World on their debit card. Furthermore, many people feel that banks and credit cards will always simply “reimburse” them. That’s kind of true…but not always. And it is a process to get your money back. Furthermore, thieves steal more than money when they hack your business security. They can create brand new identities. They can write fraudulent checks as you and your business and empty your business checking accounts.
In order to get through to the lovely folks in Philadelphia, I told them one final nugget: some hackers don’t want your cash, they just want to crap on you. To emphasize the importance of security in business I told them that hackers will often hack you, access your emails and chats, and post the logs. Yep, all those wonderful conversations you have had with people posted publicly for your friends (some will be former), coworkers (again) and family (they’re stuck) to see. Even all your searches (how naked do you feel now?).
The scare tactics are more than a tactic, it is the reality. Though I’m saddened that people put only their gossipy conversations with friends before their financial data, I still am happy that people eventually get the point.

Security Ideas for Businesses

Use LastPass (or something comparable).
Lastpass is a cloud-based web service that allows you to store all your usernames and passwords. But wait, isn’t it safer to just keep that dusty old Excel spreadsheet on your computer instead? No, it isn’t. Hackers most typically hack personal computers for information using wireless entries. Lastpass has an army of server protection. You have a password on your computer named after the year you and your friends drank in the Padre Island. Let professionals handle your critical data and business security.
Use two-step authentication.
Facebook, Google (Gmail), Hotmail, GoDaddy, Lastpass, they all have it. Whenever anyone attempts to access any of those programs, you will get a text and a code. The code is needed in order to access the account which is good business security. Meaning, someone would need access to your phone. I know, maybe you aren’t that worried that someone will hack that Hotmail account you only used that one time to email a guy you thought you went to High school with. But what password did you use for top business security? (scroll down)
Stop using the same password for everything.
This is where a service like Lastpass comes in handy. They allow you to easily manage thousands of elaborate passwords. When you use the same password for anything, you risk other accounts being compromised. Hackers aren’t stupid, stop playing with them.
Look, this is a lot of common sense, but too many people just don’t care. Start caring. Oh, and let Check Issuing handle your check security folks, because it is the right thing to do.
When it comes to checking fraud security don’t mess around with the checks you mail. Leave it to experts and check fraud security and sleep well at night

Social Engineering: Don’t be the weakest link in your cyber security!

Social Engineering, in security terms, refers to a clandestine attempt to trick you into revealing sensitive and confidential information. This type of security attack includes email, social media, and phone phishing. Attacks can also come in person through eavesdropping or physical engagement such as door-to-door operations as well as mail services. Knowledge and a healthy amount of suspicion are good barriers to prevent a social engineer from taking advantage of you.

Overshare: Social Media

Be careful what you share on social media and show discretion when it comes to picking your friends or followers. Many internet and phone logins require answering security questions such as: “Mother’s maiden name?” or “High school mascot?”. Oversharing on social media gives potential attackers access to most of these questions through a small amount of research. Combine that with your birth date, location, phone, and address and they have almost everything they need to gain access to sensitive accounts. Security requires controlled access and a “need to know”. If you are a public figure, keep it generic. If you want a more personal touch, limit the people who have access. Combine both techniques to provide even stronger security.

Phishing and 2-Step Authentication Business Security

The most common form of social engineering comes in the form of email phishing. This is when someone forges an email to imitate a legitimate company, most likely one that you are already an existing customer, to get your login or financial information. They can have sophisticated messaging and believable email addresses; however, they typically ask you to confirm information that no company would ask for unsolicited and through email, i.e… credit card information, social security number or username, and password. If there is any concern, contact the customer service department directly and don’t click on any links embedded in the email. Similar attacks can also happen over the phone with sophisticated scripts that sound like the real thing. When in doubt, tell them you will call the customer service line from the company’s website and address the issue.
Two-step authentication is a common practice to prevent fraudulent activity. Email and text phishing can be used to bypass this process. This is accomplished by prompting you to reply the confirmation code to a number or email. The code comes from the actual company; however, your reply is to the unauthorized party allowing them access to the system. If you did not try to access your account, there should be no reason for a two-step authentication.

Con men and Thieves

Social engineering attacks can also come from face-to-face interactions. A fraudulent door to door charities and sales can con you out of sensitive information. Ask for a business card and identification. Additionally, ask if they have a website that you can use instead. Consider using cash instead of check or credit card information and ask about the information required on any form you fill out. If it feels needlessly invasive, it probably is.
Lastly, while not truly a form of social engineering, protect your mail and trash from thieves. If you have an unlocked mailbox, send your important mail to a P.O. Box. Mail in an unlocked box can be easily stolen and used to steal your identity. Additionally, be sure to shred old documents that contain sensitive information.
Industries spend millions of dollars a year on protecting your information. The best cybersecurity in the world can’t prevent you from inadvertently divulging your personal information. Therefore, be vigilant, identify potential threats and mitigate your exposure.

Check Disbursement and Issuing Security

You leave your house for a weekend to spend some time with your significant other and the kids for a big weekend at Disney World! But do you feel safe? Or do you constantly worry that someone is breaking into your personal abode and stealing your jewelry, breaking your family portraits and using your Vitamix?
While worry is normal, I am willing to bet you feel pretty good about your odds of coming home from Disney World to find your home safe and sound and ready to serve you in your slumbers from your fun family vacation. And because of this, you get to focus on Mickey and Minnie and Daffy and Space Mountain and countless other cute characters and semi-thrilling rides. That’s your day to day personal life and business security. And it should be. You shouldn’t have to live to worry every time you leave your house that someone will compromise your business security.
So if that’s the case with your house and car and many other things, why isn’t this the case with your company’s checks? Do you worry about bank fraud due to checks issued to clients? If you don’t already, you probably should. Bank fraud and companies are like Mork to Mindy, they just go together and annually check fraud numbers are astronomical. So what can your company do to prevent check fraud? Well, you could stop issuing checks and start driving to every client and customers home and hand delivering them cash (don’t forget to hand them an old school receipt for everyone’s records), or, you could use Checkissuing to service this portion of your business so you can work more effectively on your product and, well, enjoy the proverbial Disney World that should be your life.
At Check Issuing, we use Positive Pay Protection. This process, which is designed by the banks, is built around a process that submits files to the bank to ensure that specific information is present on the check. This data on the check mirrors the information the bank and client should both have and confirms legitimacy. We also print our checks with MICR Technology (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition). This character recognition system uses an anti-fraud special ink to help increase the security of the check. Oh, and our envelopes are freaking awesome. You can’t see through them, they have a black security tine, so forget about a fraudster’s halogen light special.
Business security monitoring
Business security cameras
Your checks should be secure, your business should be focused on what it does, not check fraud. Let us do that. You enjoy Disney World with the family! Now that you know how to set up your business security right.
We are at the ready to be your company check writer online. Contact us today to find out how easy and affordable outsourcing can be!

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