market research and public relations

What’s Trending in Market Research & Public Relations

market research and public relationsThe website GreenBook, which charts the state of the industry, has noted that market research has been changing rapidly in recent years due to the effects of online marketing and software development.
Investment firms, private equity firms, and other acquisition companies have been showing increased interest in market research. They understand the importance of marketing research.
These new clients want more than just numbers. They want the marketing research to come up with insights that can improve business decisions.
The traditional methods in marketing research have become standardized so that most research firms are using the same methods. One firm differs from another mostly on price. Larger market research firms are growing and squeezing smaller companies out of the competition.
Furthermore, do-it-yourself market research software that automates the process is appearing in the marketplace. These non-human driven sampling, survey fielding, and analysis offerings are creating a “cheaper, faster, good enough” mentality.
Most of the recent innovations in market research have come out of developments in web page design. There has been increasing activity around business intelligence and the use of “big data.” Such a mass of data is now captured daily through the online marketplace that focus has been shifting to drawing value from that.
According to surveys conducted in late 2014, the top three most commonly used techniques are mobile surveys (64%), online community data (56%), and social media analytics (46%). The high growth in mobile, online and social media data analytics is due to the fact that these methods work in providing effective market insights.
New market research technologies are being developed, however. Behavioral economics modeling (25% use), data collected from sensors on the internet of things (12% use), and wearable computing devices provided data (7%) have come under increasing consideration. Here’s how to do market research in today’ mobile world.

Mobile Market Research Continues To Offer Great Opportunities

Market research is progressing at a surprising pace. We have all been a witness to the fast pace of innovation every year. There have been some major changes in the industry, and all of the effects may not have been realized yet.
There should be a sense of pride when a company can provide better ways to give customers the latest technology in market research. During this year, there have been some significant changes that will ensure customers and clients are getting the most out of all their opportunities in their research.
One of the most exciting opportunities that companies are using now is mobile market research. Mobile research is no longer something that is seen as new and unusual. Mobile research is not going anywhere because there are more people using the internet on mobile devices than on a desktop computer.
The mobile market research industry has made a huge mark; the mobile market industry has continued to boom and there are no signs of it stopping. More marketers are creating mobile-friendly websites because they have paid careful attention to the mobile market and all of the changes that have occurred.
Marketers are able to access the things customers are thinking, they can gather their emotions, and they can learn about their experiences. A researcher has to create ways that can help them take advantage of all the essential information and feedback. After they gather this information, they can include it in their marketing plans and strategies. A simple survey can no longer get the job done, and mobile research has shown to offer better opportunities.
Mobile phone research arrived with a bang, and it continues to impress because of the advantages and benefits it provides. Since mobile market research does not seem to be slowing down, it will be up to the businesses to keep up and develop ideas that will enable them to create a brand and a customer experience that no one will forget.

Tips and Tricks to Improve Public Relations

The term “Public Relations” all too often most easily identifies itself with mega-companies. AT&T has Public Relations, but a small company? Nah, they have someone who updates their social media and liaisons with the public. At least, that’s the perspective. And while this post isn’t trying to encourage a small business to suddenly hire a $200k a year Public Relations director, it is saying that maybe there is a middle ground between the lackadaisical approach and the expensive one.
Check Issuing has public relations. We have our Facebook page, we have this blog, we have client relations – all are examples of public relations. All of that IS public relations when it is all said and done. When our clients call in and speak with our client services department, we want the clients to have the absolute best experience possible: hence, the public relations attribute.
So how does one change their perspective?
Wash on, wash off….
Hey, seriously! If Mr. Miyagi taught us anything, it was to keep things simple and pay attention to the core details. What are your core details? Your Facebook page, your Twitter, your Customer Service. If you just let them run renegade, you set yourself up for failure and disappointment. What happens when a Customer Service representative says something offensive to your customers? It’s not the reps fault, its yours. What happens when a bad Facebook post goes out and upsets people or inaccurately describes your company’s views? This is one of the key functions of public relations staff. Your fault. Why? Because you didn’t set expectations, you didn’t design a company motto, you didn’t work with the person whose job it is to engage your customers.
Clarity is the key to success when it comes to public relations. If those on the front lines have no clarity on your perspective, then they are set up for failure. The simple step of extending clarity can resolve tons of problems and issues in the field of communication before they ever become, well, problems. This doesn’t mean micromanage, it means communicate expectations.
Not so difficult, huh?

Third Party Check Disbursement Partner Benefits

The benefits of using an ach wire payment automation company, such as Check Issuing, is huge. Often times, however, companies don’t realize how big the benefits are. So I’ve pointed out 3 major benefits (though there are plenty more). Read these, then give us a call and let’s talk about how we can help your business along the road to success. We’d love to serve you.

Improved Fraud

Our envelopes are top of the line secure. Our checks are secured by the cashing bank. We KNOW to check security. That’s ALL we do. So why wouldn’t you let Check Issuing handle that on your behalf? Wouldn’t you sleep better at night knowing that your check security was being handled by a company whose focus is 24/7 on check security?

More efficiency

Your company does what it does. And hey, it does it well, you wouldn’t be here trying to expand your company if it didn’t. But part of the reason it does well is that you focus on the product or service. When you start focusing on check fraud and automation of wire transfer payments, you start losing focus on what really makes you money. When Check Issuing handles your check disbursement, you get to get back to what matters to you and your company. Check Issuing makes you efficient.

We increase professional appearances

You’re professional. You know that. We know that. But do your clients and customers know that? We can help. We easily allow your brand logo to be printed on your checks. When people cash checks, it makes them happy because they are receiving money. Wouldn’t you like your product’s brand logo in front of them being attached to that happiness? Also, don’t you think your company looks 10 times more professional when your checks look professional? Of course, it does!
Call Check Issuing right now. Let’s talk. At the very least, we’d love to just contact us and find out how we can help you.

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